How Life Adversity Can Make Us Resistant to Psychic Numbing Psychic NumbingArithmetic of Compassion TeamNovember 22, 2019
The Problem with Proportionality in War Psychic Numbing, ProminenceArithmetic of Compassion TeamJuly 11, 2019
Another Heartbreaking Photograph Grabs the Public’s Attention, but Will It Cause Us to Solve the Crisis at the Border? Psychic NumbingArithmetic of Compassion TeamJune 28, 2019
The Girl Who Smiled Beads and the Experience of Genocide Psychic NumbingArithmetic of Compassion TeamJune 19, 2019
Too Small, Too Slow: Making Toxicity Poignant Through Poetry Psychic Numbing, Slow Violence, Narrative EmpathyArithmetic of Compassion TeamJune 6, 2019
The Effects of Psychological Biases and Social Media on Nuclear War Decisions Psychic Numbing, ProminenceArithmetic of Compassion TeamMay 9, 2019
Teaching Decision-Making Skills in the Classroom Prominence, Pseudoinefficacy, Psychic NumbingArithmetic of Compassion TeamMay 2, 2019
“Songs to Affect and Balance the World”: Poetry, Place, Home Environmental Humanities, Psychic NumbingArithmetic of Compassion TeamApril 25, 2019
“Let me tell your story”: A Review of A Private War Psychic Numbing, PseudoinefficacyArithmetic of Compassion TeamApril 11, 2019
Using Data Visualization to Get People to Care Psychic NumbingArithmetic of Compassion TeamMarch 29, 2019
How Hiding Casualties from Drone Strikes Betrays American Values Prominence, Psychic NumbingArithmetic of Compassion TeamMarch 14, 2019
China’s Cruel Internment of the Uyghurs Must Not Go Unnoticed Psychic NumbingArithmetic of Compassion TeamFebruary 15, 2019
The Effects of Dehumanizing Visual Portrayals of Refugees Psychic NumbingArithmetic of Compassion TeamFebruary 8, 2019
Einstein and Szent-Györgyi on Nuclear Weapons Psychic NumbingArithmetic of Compassion TeamDecember 21, 2018