A Washington Post Article on Ways to Overcome Hope Fatigue
Photograph by Matt Hrkac. CC BY 2.0.
This week, The Washington Post published an advice article titled “8 Ways to Feel Less Anxious About Things Beyond Your Control”, wherein psychotherapist Lesley Alderman describes a recent trend she has noticed among her clients, who are fatigued by a constant flood of upsetting news they feel powerless against.
In the article, Alderman references the Arithmetic of Compassion website and interviews one of its founders, Paul Slovic. They discuss how the tendency to shut down when we feel powerless stops us from contributing towards a solution when we can. This tendency falls under the theme of pseudoinefficacy, which is a core component of this site. Slovic shares his opinion, saying that “just because you can’t fix an issue, doesn’t mean you should ignore it…Think about what you can do rather than what you can’t.” Particularly important in this regard is Alderman’s last piece of advice:
“Join forces… Pick a cause. There are hundreds of nonprofits dedicated to addressing some of the most tenacious challenges on the planet. Donate money to an inspiring organization or volunteer".